Ron Saetermoe
As you know, we’re huge advocates for resistance (strength) training here at Triathica. Jarrett takes the lead but I’m really concentrating on this for 2010. I’m going to need it if I’m going to qualify for Kona. (Did I say that out loud?)
Alyson Wolfe, a grad student at Cal State Fullerton, helped us formulate the Triathica program. It’s really coming together quite well. So well, that I expect we’ll turn it into a book at some point.
I’m validating our program now as the designated Triathica guinea pig. I can tell you that it is definitely kicking my butt! Who would think that you could hurt so badly without lifting 200 lb weights?
Actually, I see my muscle pain as a very good thing. I feel my core, upper body but mostly my legs getting stronger (which is where I really need it).
I had a couple thoughts I’d share with you that may help improve your triathlon performance next year:
1. Get on a resistance-training program. If it’s not ours, get with someone. You’ll see better performance in your races and help reduce injuries.
2. Get started right away. I started my program last week (twice a week) and since I’m so sore, it’s compromising my swim, bike and run training. Delaying your resistance training until you’re already into your season will compromise your training too.
3. Start off easy. It may seem ridiculous doing so few sets with so little weight to start, but a slow build will help you make consistent gains without injuring yourself. The same goes for swim, bike and run training.
4. Many of the exercises can be done at home. Get yourself a fitness ball, some bands and perhaps some dumbbells so you can do many of the exercises at home. Even though I have a 24 Hour Fitness membership AND MY OWN GYM, I still find it convenient to work out at home periodically.
5. Always use proper form. It amazes me to see men and women at the gym hoisting these huge weights and using lousy form. Just like your swimming, cycling and running, form is critically important. Without proper form, you won’t get the maximum benefit and will dramatically increase the chances of injury.
We’d enjoy hearing about some of your resistance training ideas as well.
Ron Saetermoe
I’ve been very fortunate to have a successful automotive marketing and consulting company for 19+ years. It’s given me a good life and I’ve done some very rewarding work. Let’s face it, Automotive Associates has allowed me to pursue my passion.
My passion, as you know, is triathlon. It’s been about two years since I started looking for a niche in the triathlon space and discovered that there weren’t any gyms specializing in triathlon; in the world! Could there be an opportunity there?
Jarrett came on about six months after my epiphany and started researching the market. Of course the research looked good at the time so we developed our business plan and opened the business in June this year.
So far it’s been really great, but we need your help. Mostly we need to spread the word about Triathica and we’ve got a great vehicle to do it with . . . the Triathica Triathlon Roadmap.
By simply entering your email address you get a free copy of the Triathica Triathlon Roadmap – a $19.99 value. How much easier could it be? If you’re already on our email list you can download the book for free right now.
Perhaps the easiest way to help us is to forward this email newsletter to everyone you know and have them sign up for the free copy. Simply point them to the Triathica Triathlon Roadmap box on our homepage at:
We really appreciate your help.
Jarrett Pflieger
Are you the type of person that does the same workouts week in and week out and constantly tries to improve on your last training session? Please stop. You will save yourself a lot of time and maybe even get faster in the process.
Many athletes fail to realize that our bodies need rest. There’s a little voice that tells us to train faster, longer, and more often or we won’t get better. That is true to some extent, but we forget one very important aspect . . . our bodies need to recover through rest.
That’s right, you can’t get better if you don’t recover and adapt from your workouts, and you can’t recover if you don’t rest. Periodizing your workouts ensure that you get the appropriate amount of rest, while still continuing to vary and build on your workouts to get better. So how do you periodize your current training?
There are many views and opinions on this matter, but one system that seems to work is based off five phases; adaptation, base, build, race, and transition. With each phase, you change up and focus your training to build up a different part of your fitness. Adaptation phase brings you slowly back into training from your off-season. Base phase consists of easy and longer workouts to build up your aerobic base. Build phase continues to build off that base and incorporates more speed work and intensity to increase your speed and endurance. Race phase contains your most intense training sessions leading up to your race, but also incorporates at least a week or two of tapering depending on the distance you are racing. Tapering is reducing your training volume and intensity so your body can absorb your very intense race phase training so that you reach your peak fitness on race day.
With this method, you basically break up your year into five phases of training of nine-weeks each. The remaining weeks in the year are used for whatever you want. Each nine-week “macrocycle” contains three “microcycles” within. The microcycles consist of a moderate week, a maximum week, and then a recovery week. This allows you to start out pretty hard, max out the next week, then recover the third week. Some athletes can do a three-week build then one recover, while others might need to recover after each hard week of training. It really depends on the athlete but a two-on, one-off scheme seems to work for most. By increasing your fitness gradually in cycles, you can better absorb your training and prevent burnout or overtraining.
Just play around with it and see what you can accomplish this season. Definitely consult a certified triathlon coach if you are unsure about putting together your own training plan. Make sure you get plenty of rest and are frequently varying training duration, speed, and intensity to get the most out of your workouts.
Ron Saetermoe
After you’ve mapped out your race year you’ll want to develop your weekly routine. I highly recommend getting into a routine so you can adequately prepare your body and mind.
We all need motivation to train. It might look easy when others get up at 4:00 a.m. when it’s 40 degrees outside and jump into the pool, but it’s not. Getting into a routine and getting committed to it will help a lot. Better yet, recruit (con) another athlete to train with you. Misery loves company!
When developing my weekly plan I look at my schedule day by day. Do I have any routine commitments (like work) to consider? I take tennis lessons Monday evenings with my son, so any training I do must be done before or after that.
Then, I look at how much time I have available (and how much I want to train) each day. Since I’m a morning person I schedule one training session every morning. And since I do work, I schedule another session every Monday – Thursday evening. That’s right, us hardcore triathletes train twice a day!
Fridays for me are recovery days to help me get some rest for the endurance stuff I do on Saturday and Sunday so I only do one workout. Saturday is generally a long bike ride of 3 – 8 hours with a transition run. Sunday is a long run of 1 – 3 hours preceded by a short bike ride. This sequence has me running Sunday on tired legs from Saturday . . . just like my races.
I made a couple changes in my training from last season. The most notable is the addition of resistance (strength) training. If you’ve been reading this newsletter you know what a strong proponent of resistance training Jarrett is. I did my first two sessions this week and they kicked my butt! I see that as a good sign.
The other big change I’m making is reducing my swim workouts and increasing my cycling workouts. I generally finish the swim in the top 10% of guys in my age group but I usually only finish in the top 25% of cyclists. And since the bike portion of the race takes more time, this change makes sense.
The following chart is what a “moderate” week in the “build” period looks like for my Ironman training:
CT = CompuTrainer
TM = Treadmill
Develop your own weekly plan and you’re on your way to a better season.
Ron Saetermoe
Yesterday I tried signing up for the Carlsbad ½ marathon (I LOVE racing this distance). Sold out! Then I tried signing up for the Vineman 70.3. Sold out! Guess what, it’s not too early to start thinking about your races for 2010. In some cases you’re already too late.
I’m told that Ironman Arizona sold out in 24 minutes. Okay, think about that for a minute. You pay $550.00 for a race a year in advance x 2,400 people = $1.3 million!!! I want that gig!
If you really want to do well racing next year you need to be thinking about the races you’re going to do, sign up, and develop your plan. I normally do about 10 triathlons a year and another 8 – 10 running races. That’s a lot for most athletes, but I love to race.
Racing is fun but if you’re trying to make the podium, you need to do more than just register for races and train – you need a plan of attack.
First, don’t try to do too many races. “Too many” is a relative term. 10 may be too many for some whereas 20 might be just right for others. Use your recovery time as a guide. Older, or less fit athletes will take longer to recover than extremely fit, and younger athletes. You’ll want to have time after your races to fully recover, AND have time to gear up for your next race. If you race EVERY weekend you’re not giving yourself enough time.
Second, pick your “A” races carefully. Your “A” races (1 – 3 per year maximum) are the races you feel you really want to perform your best at. You’ll want plenty of training time and taper time before these races.
Third, think of your “B” and “C” races as “catered workouts.” You’re going to race them but you’re not going to need to be carried off on a stretcher at the end of the race. These races help keep you sharp and give you confidence for your “A” races.
I “age up” in 2010 (I’ll be 35 . . . again) so I’m planning my year VERY carefully. I’ve already registered for Ironman Arizona again because I feel this will be my best chance at qualifying for Kona. I’m also going to try to register for Ironman St. George and Ironman Canada at Ironman California 70.3. We’ll see if I get in.
All of my Ironman races will be “A” races for me. I feel that I’m able to consider three Ironmans “A” races because they’re spread out enough. I’ll have plenty of time to train and taper before my big races.
If you haven’t mapped out your races yet you’d better get on it!