Ron Saetermoe
Come on Ron, are you telling me I really need two gym memberships? I get it, really. You already have a gym membership – probably to 24 Hour Fitness or Bally’s or one of the high-end clubs like Renaissance. Guess what, so do I. Absurd? I think not.
When I moved to California in 1984 I joined Family Fitness Center in Costa Mesa. They changed names to 24 Hour Fitness some time after that. Anyway, when I joined I paid an initiation fee (no initiation fees or contracts here at Triathica) and my monthly fee was . . . $5.00 per month and was locked in for life!
So my base fee to 24 Hour Fitness is $5.00 a month. I don’t know too many other people that have a fee that low. Since then I’ve upgraded to “Sport” for another $10.00 per month and then again to “Super Sport” for another $20.00 per month, so now I’m paying $40.00 a month at the Agasai Super Sport in Laguna Niguel (about ½ mile from my home). A very nice club.
I’m not planning on giving up my membership there, ever. At some point I may downgrade it again, but I really enjoy how close my club is to home and the fact that they’ve got a nice five-lane swimming pool available 24 hours.
I’m not giving mine up and I wouldn’t expect you to either. You may share the same reasons as me or have your own. For example, we don’t have a lot of the equipment that the large clubs have like stair climbers or ellipticals. Most of our current members have other gym memberships although if you’re planning on “training like a triathlete” you really don’t need another one. Here’s why:
1. Our Endless Pool allows you to get a great workout without having to know how to flip turn. Your workout will more closely resemble an open-water swim.
2. Our spin bikes allow you to train with “watts.” We’ve talked about the benefits of training with watts before in this newsletter. It’s a more scientific way to train and if you’ve never been to one of our “sweat fest” spin workouts you’re really missing something.
3. Our CompuTrainers allow you to train with watts, on your own bike. This tool is used by many of the top triathletes in the world. We’ve got six of them here that allow you to ride an actual Ironman course or compete against one to five friends.
4. Triathica has two certified coaches to assist you. We sell personal training specifically tailored to your triathlon aspirations too, but much of our assistance and guidance is free.
24 Hour Fitness doesn’t have it, Bally’s doesn’t have it, even the $150.00 a month gyms don’t have it. And for a limited time, our membership deal is $180.00 for six full months of membership (October 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010). That’s $30.00 a month!
We’re fanatical about the sport here and want to give you the tools you need to complete your first race or your 100th race.
Many consider triathletes among the fittest people on the planet, and they would be right. Triathletes are unique individuals in that they go beyond “exercising,” and “working out” to delicately balancing all of the demands of normal life while training for THREE sports!
When we say, “train like a triathlete” we mean that Triathica provides all of the resources you need in order to compete in the sport of triathlon. Some of our clients are highly competitive and others don’t have any desire to complete a triathlon, they only want to train the way triathletes do.
Everyone is welcome at Triathica, whether you compete or not. The common bond between us is that we have a passion for triathlon. We love the sport and respect those that are in it.
Training for triathlon is different than training for other sports simply because there are three distinct disciplines involved. You can’t simply train like a swimmer, cyclist and runner; you must train like a triathlete. Training for each sport individually generally results in burnout, injury or both.
Comprehensive triathlon training goes beyond training for the swim, bike and run, but includes the other three equally important elements of resistance training, flexibility training and nutrition. Only by including all of these elements can one really reach their highest level of performance.
Triathica can provide you all of the help you need to reach your potential. For some that means making the podium in their “A” race, and others it simply means training like a triathlete.
Many consider triathletes among the fittest people on the planet, and they would be right. Triathletes are unique individuals in that they go beyond “exercising,” and “working out” to delicately balancing all of the demands of normal life while training for THREE sports!
When we say, “train like a triathlete” we mean that Triathica provides all of the resources you need in order to compete in the sport of triathlon. Some of our clients are highly competitive and others don’t have any desire to complete a triathlon, they only want to train the way triathletes do.
Everyone is welcome at Triathica, whether you compete or not. The common bond between us is that we have a passion for triathlon. We love the sport and respect those that are in it.
Training for triathlon is different than training for other sports simply because there are three distinct disciplines involved. You can’t simply train like a swimmer, cyclist and runner; you must train like a triathlete. Training for each sport individually generally results in burnout, injury or both.
Comprehensive triathlon training goes beyond training for the swim, bike and run, but includes the other three equally important elements of resistance training, flexibility training and nutrition. Only by including all of these elements can one really reach their highest level of performance.
Triathica can provide you all of the help you need to reach your potential. For some that means making the podium in their “A” race, and others it simply means training like a triathlete.
Many consider triathletes among the fittest people on the planet, and they would be right. Triathletes are unique individuals in that they go beyond “exercising,” and “working out” to delicately balancing all of the demands of normal life while training for THREE sports!
When we say, “train like a triathlete” we mean that Triathica provides all of the resources you need in order to compete in the sport of triathlon. Some of our clients are highly competitive and others don’t have any desire to complete a triathlon, they only want to train the way triathletes do.
Everyone is welcome at Triathica, whether you compete or not. The common bond between us is that we have a passion for triathlon. We love the sport and respect those that are in it.
Training for triathlon is different than training for other sports simply because there are three distinct disciplines involved. You can’t simply train like a swimmer, cyclist and runner; you must train like a triathlete. Training for each sport individually generally results in burnout, injury or both.
Comprehensive triathlon training goes beyond training for the swim, bike and run, but includes the other three equally important elements of resistance training, flexibility training and nutrition. Only by including all of these elements can one really reach their highest level of performance.
Triathica can provide you all of the help you need to reach your potential. For some that means making the podium in their “A” race, and others it simply means training like a triathlete.
Many consider triathletes among the fittest people on the planet, and they would be right. Triathletes are unique individuals in that they go beyond “exercising,” and “working out” to delicately balancing all of the demands of normal life while training for THREE sports!
When we say, “train like a triathlete” we mean that Triathica provides all of the resources you need in order to compete in the sport of triathlon. Some of our clients are highly competitive and others don’t have any desire to complete a triathlon, they only want to train the way triathletes do.
Everyone is welcome at Triathica, whether you compete or not. The common bond between us is that we have a passion for triathlon. We love the sport and respect those that are in it.
Training for triathlon is different than training for other sports simply because there are three distinct disciplines involved. You can’t simply train like a swimmer, cyclist and runner; you must train like a triathlete. Training for each sport individually generally results in burnout, injury or both.
Comprehensive triathlon training goes beyond training for the swim, bike and run, but includes the other three equally important elements of resistance training, flexibility training and nutrition. Only by including all of these elements can one really reach their highest level of performance.
Triathica can provide you all of the help you need to reach your potential. For some that means making the podium in their “A” race, and others it simply means training like a triathlete.